I found daily clamscan took longer and longer. Eventually it was taking all weekend, then all week. The default scanning scans 1 domain at a time. My servers have SSD and multi cores – and can easily handle a bunch of clamscans at once. But you don’t want to over tax your server – with […]
Uptime robot is a great tool for managing the availability of client’s websites. But it’s a bit of a drama keeping Uptime Robot up to date if you have more than a hand full of sites. You need to add each site to uptime robot, and click the alerting options and time period. Then old […]
I’ve written about this before, but I have new ideas, but I’ll start with a short recap. WordPress needs to be able write to the FileSystem for things like updates, new plugins, caching. But , for a large proportion of web requests, WordPress really only needs read-only access to the filesystem. (more detail here). What […]
OK, you’ve got a load of clients running wordpress under cpanel. And your VPS includes a tonne of space, so your backing up with whm to /backup. Or even better, the hosting company gives you some ftp space, and you have whm backing up to that. But recently you started to consider what if something […]
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