new easy to use WordPress local development manager -

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new easy to use WordPress local development manager

Easy WordPress local development

I’m looking at building a new, easy to use, local WordPress development manager.

The idea is local development (on your Mac or PC) is super fast, and doesn’t risk breaking a live website.

If you are making a lot of changes, themes/plugins/a few pages. You download a ‘backup’ from your website. Restore it to local (my tool makes this super easy).  You make the changes on your local copy of the WordPress website – make mistakes, fix them, without annoying users. It should run super fast on your local PC/Mac. Then when you are finished, batch upload the backup to the server.

Some of the main features:

  • creates an new WordPress super easily – enter the name, and click create. It will go and create everything for you.
  • The management interface lists all the WordPress sites you’ve created – and gives you a link to open, delete, download backup, replace with backup.
  • I’m looking at using ‘all-in-one-migration’ plugin for the backup
  • when you create a new WordPress site, you simply upload the wpress file and the manager will restore it for you. (no need to install the plugin first).
  • It will give you a publicly accessible URL for clients to review (even if you’re on a home/office NAT router) , and no need to play with firewalls.
  • behind the scenes it will run docker, to manage all the installs.
  • Super fast – it’ll use the latest database and php (mariadb and php 7.2).

Would you use it ?

What features would you need ?

Are you using something easier/better now ?

By on August 31st, 2018 ,

Email or call, and we can arrange a time to chat call 0412927156 or CONTACT US TODAY!