WordPress Bot Analysis now available in my free WordPress plugin -

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WordPress Bot Analysis now available in my free WordPress plugin

My free plugin from wordpress.org now includes a Bot Analysis.

Bots , good and bad, take up hosting resources. Most WordPress website owners have no idea how many resources are being eaten by bots.

Some WordPress website owners are savvy enough to block the worst of the bots. Even those folk won’t have any idea how much the remaining bots are using.

If you are on shared hosting (most WordPress is) too many bots and your account may get banned if you use too many resources. You might also get asked to ‘upgrade your plan’ – it may be because of too many bots.

If you are using a VPS, then you have limited CPU resources that the bots will using up.

Some bots you want, like google and bing. Some other’s you should be blocking.

The really bad Bots are those that attack your site – and waste resources.

This report gives you some idea as to how many resources bots are eating up.

WordPress bot analysis

By on August 19th, 2018 ,

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