I found daily clamscan took longer and longer. Eventually it was taking all weekend, then all week.
The default scanning scans 1 domain at a time. My servers have SSD and multi cores – and can easily handle a bunch of clamscans at once.
But you don’t want to over tax your server – with too high a load.
The following script allows you to scan a number of threads at once, and it manages the load. You can set a maxtasks and max load at the top.
#!/bin/bash maxload=6 maxtasks=4 rm -f /data/tmp/log/infections for i in `awk '!/nobody/{print $2 | "sort | uniq" }' /etc/userdomains | sort | uniq` do #echo scan $i nice -n 19 ionice -c 3 /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/clamscan -v -i -r /home/${i} >>/data/tmp/log/infections & sleep 30 while true do if [ `ps ax|grep -v grep|grep -c clamscan` -lt ${maxtasks} ]; then if [ `uptime|awk '{print $(NF-2)}'|cut -d. -f1` -lt ${maxtasks} ]; then break else sleep 30 fi else # echo sleep 10 sleep 10 fi done done while true do if [ `ps ax|grep -v grep|grep -c clamscan` -gt 0 ]; then break else # echo sleep 10 sleep 10 fi done
By Scott Farrell on May 2nd, 2018 , Follow @scott_WordPress Tweet to @scott_WordPress
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